At JKAE, we Imagine, Design and Build inclusive environments that enrich the human experience.

At JKAE, we Imagine, Design, and Build inclusive environments that enrich the human experience. Our passion is quality design. We are rooted in California, the Sierra Nevada, and Northern Nevada. Great design stems from our heritage as community planners in the places where we live, learn, work, and play. We have learned to listen, engage, & interact with our clients in a fulfilling endeavor to help them realize their dreams for an enriching built environment.
Master Planning
Facility Condition Assessments
Site Analysis & Selection
Feasibility Studies
Project Budgeting & Scheduling
Virtual BIM Design & Clash Detection
Comprehensive Design & Coordination
Market Sector Expertise
High Altitude Design
Sustainable Design
Design for Wildfire Resistance
First Responders Planning
Bidding Assistance
Construction Administration
Design Build
JKAE is a leader in Design-Build and has teamed successfully with a variety of quality builders to deliver turn-key projects to our clients. We are DBIA professionals who believe in the Design-Build delivery method and the power of delivering quality facilities to our clients that are on schedule, within budget, and provide added-value solutions & amenities.
Educational, Civic, & Private Design-Build Project Delivery
Pre-Construction Services Support & Teaming
Design Modeling | BIM | Clash Detection
Agency Review Support
Design-Build Pricing Support
Construction Administration Support
JKAE offers 40 years of experience in community-based planning. Our passion for planning stems from our interest and involvement in environments that enrich the human experience. We believe that quality planning that engages stakeholders and community yields great design solutions that reflect what a community cherishes and believes.
Campus & Educational Planning
Resort & Destination Planning
Civic & Community Planning
Library Planning
Educational Specifications
Sports Facility Planning
Sustainable Master Planning
Interior Design
The Interiors division at JKAE specializes in delivering creative and technical solutions within the built interior environment. Our interior design focus is to appropriately convey and enhance the design concept while bringing awareness, attention to aesthetics, and dedication to the interior experience. Collaborating seamlessly with JKAE’s team of architects and engineers, our interior design department enriches the services offered to our clients and plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall design. For many users, the interior space is where they often live, learn, work and play, and we strive to create environments that are both meaningful and purposeful.
User programming, space planning, preliminary and schematic designs
Adherence to environmental and safety requirements
Design and selection of furniture, fixtures, and equipment
Selection of colors, materials, and finishes
Attention to function, maintenance, and life-cycle performance
Contract documentation to facilitate pricing and installation of furniture
Coordination and collaboration with design professionals and specialty consultants
Project budgets and schedules
Preparation of construction documents and specifications
Graphic Communication
JKAE believes that design matters and this carries through to the design and look of all elements of a project or pursuit. Our graphics division assists our clients with quality graphic solutions that support and enhance their goals and mission.
Company Branding
Fund-Raising Collateral Development
3D Virtual Flythroughs
Brochures & Flyers
Website Development
Event Programs & Invitations
Estate Branding
Concept Story Boarding
Civil Engineering
JKAE’s Civil Engineering division is experienced in a wide array of land entitlement, planning, and design services. We have 40 years of experience in providing these services to the greater Sierra region. We bring our expertise and passion for great Civil Engineering solutions to the communities where we live, learn, work, and play.
Project Investigations, Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies
Land/Facilities Planning and Design
Resort & High-Altitude Engineering
Permitting and Agency Processing
TRPA Planning and Permitting
Private & Public Developments
CEQA & Environmental Entitlements
Site Development and Subdivisions
Site Grading & Earthwork Analysis
Stormwater Management and Drainage Design
Erosion Control & Water Quality BMPs
Flood Control & Management
Utility Infrastructure & Design
Hydraulic Analysis
Cost Analysis
Construction Administration
Structural Engineering
JKAE’s Structural Engineering division is passionate about engineering solutions that are elegant and expressive. We enjoy exceeding our client’s expectations with hands-on engineering support that is collaborative and creative. We look for unique structural solutions and strive to become our client’s trusted advisors.
Structural Design
Feasibility Studies
High Sierra Snow Loads
Remodels & Additions
Green Buildings
JKAE is committed to providing accurate, reliable, and comprehensive site data to our clients through the use of cutting-edge technologies, proven methodologies, and a client-centric approach. Our team of seasoned professionals leverages decades of experience, utilizing high-definition scanning and aerial drones to make informed decisions, mitigate risk, streamline workflows, and improve the overall safety of every project.
Professional Land Surveying Services:
Boundary & Land:
Boundary Analysis and Resolution
American Land Title Surveys (ALTA)
Due Diligence for Land Acquisitions
Research and Interpret Record Deeds and Encumbering Easements
FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates
Easement Creation and Relinquishment
Vacation / Abandonment of Roadways
Site Analysis
Coverage Survey
Subdivision Plats
Parcel Maps
Boundary Line Adjustments
Record of Surveys
Right of Way / Dedication Mapping
As-Built / Record Drawings
Topographic Mapping
Aerial and Orthometric Imagery
Field Survey:
Establish Horizontal and Vertical Control
Boundary Line Location
Sub-Grade and Pad Verification
Building Layout
Setback Certification
Grading and Drainage Certifications
Calculate Earthwork Volumes
Tree Inventory
Utility As-Builts
Monitor Well Surveys
Robotic Total Stations
Global Navigational Satellite System (GNNS)
3D Scanning
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles / Drones
AutoCAD / Civil 3D
Virtual Surveyor / Point Cloud Drafting